Belgian Cavalry 1914
By Ebor Miniatures in General News on July 16, 2011 . 140 Comments
We have just recieved painted examples of our new range of Belgian lancers from the guys at artmaster studios,these are part of our extensive range of Belgian cavalry from August 1914 this will cover all three regiments of belgian cavalry,the lancers ,guides and chasseurs a cheval who took on the much larger german formations in August 1914.As you will see from our figures the belgian cavalry took to the field in colourful uniforms more in keeping with the victorian age especially the guides who went to war in their bearskin headdress the colpack and with bright green tunics and red overalls(trousers).We are expecting painted examples of the guides and dismounted chasseurs at any moment from the very talented steve dyer who painted our french machine gun teams and officers,as soon as they arrive I will add pictures for you to see just how colourful they are,well thats it for now, Nick